How to distinguish Panic Attack from Heart Attack.

How to distinguish Panic Attack from Heart Attack.

How to distinguish Panic Attack from Heart Attack.

We must learn to distinguish a panic attack from a heart attack. The first is such a strong state that involves not only the mind but also the body: when it happens, tremors, cold sweats, difficulty speaking and breathing occur. A very common feeling is that of chest pain.

These effects are similar to heart attack and sometimes confusion can occur, so it is best to recognize a heart problem. People who have had an attack experience pain, located in the center of the chest, extending to the left arm and back.

The same pain can affect the shoulder and jaw area and persists for more than five minutes without obstructing breathing. At the height of the heart attack, the pain is concentrated in the chest. As a rule, a heart attack does not cause a drowning sensation unless the episode, in turn, generates a panic attack.

Instead, a panic attack reaches its peak after 10 minutes. There is chest pain, not pain. The sensation changes in intensity over time. The tingling and numbness include the upper and lower limbs except for the fingers, writes During a panic attack, you are afraid of irrational threats, such as drowning despite there being nothing that impedes your breathing.

Attention, if you still do not know how to distinguish a panic attack from a heart attack, it is preferable to consult a doctor. If you cannot manage a panic attack, repeated episodes over time can endanger mental and psychological health. An interview with a specialist will help solve the problem of anxiety by increasing self-control.

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