Health Tips for thoughtful diet guides to take care of your gut.

Health Tips For thoughtful diet guides to take care of your gut.

Health Tips For thoughtful diet guides to take care of your gut.

The function of the intestine is far more than digestion, absorption, and excretion. The intestine is actually the largest micro-ecosystem in the human body. There are more than 400 species of bacteria. 100 trillion bacteria live in it, which controls more than 70% of the body's immune function. It's a natural barrier to health.

The aging of the human body starts from the intestine. When the intestines often experience premature aging such as constipation and diarrhea, the body's immunity will also decline, and the bacteria will enter. In simple terms, it will make you constipated, acne-prone, dull complexion, irritable, etc. If the problem is more serious, it will also induce dysmenorrhea, belly, insomnia, memory loss, and even cardiovascular and other diseases!

Gut is the center of the body's health
Therefore, Professor Cai Yingjie, a well-known gut health expert in Taiwan, believes that the gut is the health center of the body. There are hundreds of neurons. The gut can think (Think), feel (Feel), and express its emotions (Express ), Treat the intestine as you would your own lover, know how to care.

I want to reduce the age of the intestines from the diet. Professor Cai thinks that it is not difficult. His suggestions are to drink plenty of water, eat more lactic acid bacteria and eat more fiber food. How to do it in the simplest and most effective way? Professor Cai gave the most intimate practical guide.

Drink water cleverly for basic maintenance of the intestines

1. Schedule 8 glasses of water: Drink 1 glass before going to bed. Don't be afraid to drink water before going to bed, because you will lose a lot of water during sleep, the blood will become thick, and cardiovascular problems will be more likely to occur. It is important to drink two glasses of water after getting up, not only to replenish the water lost at night, but also to stimulate the intestines and let the smooth appearance appear. Then drink two glasses of water each morning and afternoon.

2. Sugary drinks accelerate intestinal aging and should be avoided or consumed in small amounts. Warm boiled water is best for the body, and too much sugar water intake will accelerate intestinal aging, so do not drink sugary drinks such as cola, soft drinks, and even fruit juice in large quantities.
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