9 Natural Antibiotics Used by Our Ancestors Instead of Medications.

9 Natural Antibiotics Used by Our Ancestors Instead of Medications.

Long before there were pharmaceutical antibiotics - developed in the 1940s, there were foods and herbs that helped protect you daily from infection and disease. Many of these natural protectors are still in use today.

Oregano and oregano oil
You probably used the origin as a flavor in your favorite Italian dishes without even realizing the health benefits it contains. Beyond its antibacterial properties, oregano can help with digestion and weight loss.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
The broader benefits of apple cider vinegar (ACV) daily benefits include antibiotic and antiseptic properties, naturally alkalinizing your system, and can help you in everything from managing your weight to lowering your cholesterol and your risk for cancer.

The ancient Romans used honey on the battlefield to treat wounds and prevent infection.
Civilizations around the world continue to consider honey one of the best natural antibiotics, and antiseptics known to man after thousands of years.
The New Zealand manuka has been proven to have the highest levels of antioxidants and curative powers.

This shade is not only rich in color and fragrance, but it also produces your body against damage. Turmeric and both consumed and applied externally, making it a great choice for the fight against bacteria. For added benefit, by combining the two substances that fight bacteria, you can mix turmeric with honey and create a paste to apply to infected areas of your skin.

Complete and wonderful in a piece of toast butter, this him also has a very powerful quality to it. Even the garlic can fight such simple infections as the common cold in humans. Using allicin contained in it, garlic protects against yeast, parasites, bacteria and more. If you are looking for an easy way to live healthy, add garlic to your diet.

So you may not have much experience with this product, but it is a safe herb found in many kitchens. Consuming this herb has been proven to reduce the number of colds a person deals within their lives and reduce the colds that a person has to cope with. This herb is a great choice when taken as a precautionary measure.

Wrong conceptions
What many people do not realize is how much vitamin C is found in cabbage. 1(One) Cup provides 75% of what you need every day.

Coconut Oil
It has natural anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties and is packed with antioxidants that you cannot find anywhere else in nature.

Use it to boost your immune system, balance your thyroid, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, and even improve brain function. Safe to use inside and out, coconut oil is one of Mother Nature's most versatile and unique gifts.

Stir a spoon in your morning coffee for extra energy and a clearer mind throughout the day.

Fermented food
Homemade pickles, kefir and probiotic and yogurt have all renew our intestinal flora and protect our life from cancer and keep our body capable of fighting with cancer infections.

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