What if you eat 3 kiwis a day.

What if you eat 3 kiwis a day.

Hypertension is, perhaps, one of the most common disorders of modern, western, rich and industrialized society. It is estimated, in fact, that in Italy there are only 15 million people suffering from it.

Poor nutrition is definitely the first place in raising blood pressure and blood levels.
Too much fat, too much sugar, too much alcohol, too much red meat, few vegetables, and little exercise. In winter, things get worse because of the cold, which narrows the blood vessels and then makes it more difficult for the blood to circulate.

And, unfortunately, the pressure is one of those parameters that must be kept in check because it can cause a lot of damage. Heart attacks, strokes, and heart failure are the most common risks.
But from the American Heart Association Orlando, news comes that may be very important to those suffering from hypertension: with three kiwis a day it seems you are able to naturally lower blood pressure levels.

The experiment that led to this news took place in Norway, at the Mette Svendsen University Hospital in Oslo, by some researchers who, with the help of 118 volunteers, partly women and partly men aged 55 and all suffering from hypertension, created two groups that had to follow the same diet for eight weeks with the only difference being that the first group had to consume 3 kiwis a day, while the second was to consume the 'famous apple'.

At the end of the trial period, the researchers found that the people in the first group had an average decrease in the maximum pressure of 3.6 millimeters of mercury.

These are certainly not figures that, in cases of severe hypertension, may allow us not to take the daily medicines that remain, so it is necessary, but that does not mean, but to discover such a useful quality in a fruit that we can easily have at our open desks leads to further experimentation to make the results even more effective by utilizing natural and non-chemical elements.

But why do kiwi have this effect on pressure?
Researchers in the study claim that the presence of lutein, a powerful natural antioxidant that protects both eye and eye health, and magnesium (400 mg per 100 g of fruit) are the secret ingredients of this result.

However, it costs nothing to those suffering from hypertension to integrate kiwi consumption into their diet, as it is a delicious fruit and certainly not a sacrifice to eat.
It should also be added that it has a very low-calorie intake.

It is also rich in vitamin C, assists in iron assimilation, helps control glucose levels, and is rich in fiber.

Practically, kiwi is a precious concentrate of health and goodness available to all who want to take care of themselves in a natural and intelligent way.

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